We participated in the Auto Repairer Junior 2024 competition

Auto Repairer Junior is a high school competition for students of the Auto Mechanic, Auto Body, Auto Technician and Auto Painter disciplines. Martin Augustín and Miroslav Kučera from the Průhonice branch took the role of examiners in this regional round for the Auto Průhonice group. On one of the fifteen stations the contestants tested on the topic "Shock absorbers" and it must be noted that the students were very well prepared. In total, fifteen of them competed on the penultimate Thursday in February at the Porsche Training Center near the Prague Ring Road.
As partners of the competition, we also provided prizes for the winners. They advanced to the national round, which will take place on 2-4 April in Kosmonosy, and we congratulate them. According to the organizers of the competition, advancing to the national round or even winning it is a great start to professional life. According to them, a good position in this prestigious competition, as indicated in the candidate's CV, significantly improves the possibilities of employment on the labour market.
The Auto Repairer Junior competition is intended for pupils in the final year of apprenticeship courses who have not completed any previous education culminating in a matriculation or final examination and who will not be 21 years of age or older at the time of the final competition. The main objective of the competition is to motivate secondary school students with auto-related studies and to develop cooperation between future employers and secondary schools.